Quick Start
Getting Started
Figure 2–2. Tool Advanced Options
UnCheck the Prompt before running box.
All operands should immediately follow the switch character with no spaces
except between options. i.e.:
/F{NODE3}.hex /X22 /P1 /H /T
If the filename, crystal frequency, or port are not included, a screen will prompt
for the values. The operand list is defined in Table 2–3.
Table 2–3.Downloader Operand Definitions
Operand Definition
/Ffile hex file, {NODE3} in the RIDE will substitute the hex file (required)
/Xfreq MSC1211 Xtal Clock frequency (required)
/Pport PC Comm port 1, 2, 3 or 4 (required)
/Bbaud Baud rate (standard rates), otherwise it is computed from /Xfreq
/H If this flag is present the configuration bytes will be erased
/T This flag requests a terminal window after download.