BSL Project Settings
BSL Overview
1.3 BSL Project Settings
1.3.1 User’s Program Setting
Due to the interdependancies between CSL and BSL, the CSL is initialized by
calling the CSL_init() function followed by the BSL initialization function,
Also, the two header files <csl.h> and <bsl.h> have to be included in your pro-
gram in order for you to have access to the BSL APIs.
1.3.2 Compiler Options
In the Compiler Option window, the Chip and Board symbols have to be de-
fined using the –d switch. For example,
–dCHIP_6711 –dBOARD_6711DSK
Also, the paths of the “Include” folder containing the BSL and CSL header files
have to be set with the –i switch.
1.3.3 Linker Options
The paths of the CSL and BSL libraries have to be defined. The two libraries
are named, respectively, csl6711.lib and bsl6711dsk.lib.
Note: Device Identification Symbol
When using the BSL, it is up to the user to define a project-wide symbol from
a predetermined set to identify which device is being used. This board identi-
fication symbol is then used in the BSL header files to conditionally define
the support symbols. (See Section 3.2, API Reference, for more information.