Texas Instruments TMS320C6000 Network Card User Manual

AD535 API Module Description
2.1 AD535 API Module Description
The AD535 module (audio codec supported by the C6711 DSK) serves as a
level of abstraction such that it works the same for all AD535s supported on
To use an AD535 device, you must first open it and obtain a device handle us-
ing AD535_open(). Once opened, use the device handle to call the other API
functions. The codec may be configured by passing an AD535_Config struc-
ture to AD535_config().
Table 2–1. AD535 API Summary
Syntax Type Description Page
AD535_close F Closes the AD535 module 2-5
AD535_Config S The AD535 configuration structure used to set up an
AD535 codec
AD535_config F Sets up the AD535 codec using the register value
passed in
AD535_freeMcbsp F Sets the FREE bit of an McBSP serial port to 1. 2-6
AD535_getMcbspHandle F Returns the Handle of the McBSP associated with the
codec previously opened
AD535_Id S The AD535 Identity Structure used to allocate the
Codec device and the associated McBSP
AD535_inGain F Sets the AD535’s input gain 2-10
AD535_micGain F Sets the microphone preamplifier gain 2-10
AD535_modifyReg F Modifies the AD535 control registers 2-11
AD535_open F Opens an AD535 codec for use 2-12
AD535_outGain F Sets the AD535’s output gain 2-13
AD535_powerDown F Puts the AD535 in power-down mode 2-13
AD535_read F Reads received data (voice channel) 2-14
AD535_readHwi F Reads received data (voice channel) 2-14
AD535_readReg F Reads the contents of AD535 control registers 2-14
AD535_reset F Resets the AD535 2-16
C A compile time constant whose value is 1 if the board
supports the AD535 module