Texas Instruments TPS2151 Switch User Manual

Changeable Components and Test Points
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C1, C2, C3, C4input capacitors, at least 0.047µF total on each input.
C5, C6, C8, C9load capacitors, vary according to loads, but C5 plus C6 must
be at least 4.7 µF.
R2top resistor of the resistor divider, refer to data sheet for its resistance
R1LDO_PG pullup resistor, must be at least 1k.
A total of 16 test points are provided. Besides four black test points on the four
corners of the EVM, there are 12 more test points (11 red and 1 black) residing
on two sides of the white rectangle box at the center of the EVM. Their
respective testing signals are listed in the following table, when looking at the
EVM from top down. The test-point orders are listed from top to bottom on both
Table 31.Test Points and Test Signals
Test-Point Order
Color Signal
Test-Point Order
Color Signal
1 Red SW_PG 1 Red SW_PLDN
2 Red SW_IN 2 Red SW_OUT
3 Red LDO_IN 3 Red LDO_OUT
4 Red SW_EN 4 Red LDO_PLDN
5 Red LDO_EN 5 Red ADJ
6 Black GND 6 Red LDO_PG
Chapter 3