5 Using Template
78 Registering Scan Template
Registering Scan Template
To recall a template, you need to first register the setting combination as a template.
This procedure enables users to register templates for scanning operations.
The template is registered either in the “PUBLIC TEMPLATE GROUP” or “USER GROUP”
depending on your purpose.
Anyone can use the template when the setting combination of the functions frequently used
throughout the company or organization have been registered in this group. Up to 60 combi-
nations (templates) are available in this group. According to the purpose of use, you can
restrict the use by entering the password.
P.78 “Registering a scan template in public template group”
Each department, section or person controls one user group and registers it as a template. It
is easier to control it if you set the password for group registration. Up to 200 groups can be
set and up to 60 combinations (templates) are available in this group.
When registering the template in the public template group, entering the administrator password
is required.
Registering a scan template in public template group
Press the [SCAN] button on the control panel to enter the scan
y The basic scan menu is displayed.