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Check the Start playing the file automatically when starting transmission
checkbox to automatically start playing the video file when connecting to the
Check the Play repeatedly after the end of playing checkbox to automatically
repeat from the beginning when the file reaches the end.
Click on the Browse button and
select the file to send.
Clicking on the Browse button displays the Open
dialog box. Select the file to send then click on the
Open button.
The selected file is added to the pull-down list in
the Network Utility’s Select file field.
Select the file to send from the pull-
down list of the Transmission File
Click on the Transmission File field’s button to
display the pull-down list. Select the file to send from
this list.
A thumbnail of the selected file appears in the
Preview box. The file displayed here will be
can be skipped.
The way that drag and drop the file to send from the desktop or Windows Explorer into
the Preview box is also available. In this case as well, the selected file is added to the
pull-down list.
Selecting a file by drag and drop may not be available with Windows Vista™.
Select the projector to transmit to.
The IDs of projectors accessible for transmission
will be listed. (If projector name has been set up
already, it is shown.) Select the checkbox of the
projector to be transmitted to from this list. Then
is displayed on the projector's screen for
few seconds.
It is possible to select only one projector.
Using the Network Utility (Continued)
Click on the button.
The selected file's image is displayed by the projector and the Control window appears
as well.
Play the video file via the Control window.
The function of each button and box is as follows:
Current position: Indicates the playing position. Dragging the slider can move the
playing position.
Play: Starts playing the video file.
Freeze: The picture is paused.
Stop: Stops playing the video file.
Volume: Adjusts sound volume.
Mute: Cuts off picture and sound.
Release mute: Restores picture and sound.
Only one file can be sent at a time. To send another file, repeat steps
MPEG/AVI/ASF/WMV files can be transmitted.
The update speed of the transmitted file depends on your computer's performance and
the surrounding radio environment.
The projector ID is the MAC address of the wired LAN mounted on the projector.
The audio signals transmitted by a computer become mono.
Playing contents protected by copyright is not supported.