TL-PA8010P AV1200 Gigabit Passthrough Powerline Adapter
Chapter 5 Advanced Feature: How to Use the Pair Button
5.1 Set Up a Secure Powerline Network
The Homeplug AV standard uses 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to safely transmit data
between powerline adapters. For the powerline adapters to communicate with each other they all need
to use the same Network Membership Key (NMK). Otherwise, they cannot unscramble the encrypted
data sent in the powerline network.
The Pair button allows you to set up a secure powerline connection with another HomePlugAV compliant
powerline devices which also support the Pair feature.
You can connect a number of devices on a powerline network, but you can only use the Pair button on
two devices at a time.
Create a secure powerline network using the Pair button:
Step 1. Press the Pair button of powerline adapter A for one second. The Power LED will start flashing.
Step 2. Within 2 minutes, press the Pair button of powerline adapter B for one second. The Power LED
will start flashing.
Step 3. Wait for about 60 seconds while your powerline adapters A and B are connecting. The Power
LEDs on both adapters will stop flashing and become solid light when the connection is made.
Join an existing secure powerline network:
Powerline adapter A and powerline adapter B form a HomeplugAV network. Powerline adapter C wants
to join this network.
Step 1. Press and hold the Pair button on powerline adapter C for one second.
Step 2. Within 2 minutes, press and hold the Pair button on powerline adapter A/B for one second.
Step 3. Wait for about 60 seconds while your powerline adapters are connecting. The Power LEDs on
powerline adapters A/B and C will stop flashing and become solid light when the connection is
The sequence of Step 1 and Step 2 can be exchanged.
Leave an existing secure powerline network:
Powerline adapters A, B and C have formed a HomeplugAV network. The user wants to remove one
device (powerline adapter A) from this network.
Step 1. Press and hold the Pair button on powerline adapter A for about 8 seconds, and then release
the button. (All LEDs of powerline adapter A will momentarily go off.)
Step 2. Wait until the Power LED of powerline adapter A lights up steadily, indicating that it has already
left the powerline network.
5.2 Reset
To reset the powerline adapter:
Press and hold the Pair button for more than 15 seconds, and then release the button. You will see all
LEDs go off momentarily, and then begin to flash. When the Power LED turn solid, the reset process is
Be careful, don’t power off the powerline adapter when it is in reset process.