WPA/WPA2 Security
If WPA or WPA2 EAP is selected, the above screen is shown. Please set the
length of the encryption key and the parameters for the RADIUS server.
Lifetime: Select the Lifetime of the Encryption Key from 5 Minutes to 1 Day. As
soon as the lifetime of the Encryption Key expires, the Encryption Key will be
renewed by the Radius server.
Encryption Key: Select the Encryption Key Length Size ranging from 64 to 128
Bits that you would like to use.
RADIUS Server:
1. Enter the IP address, Port used and Shared Secret by the Primary Radius
2. Enter the IP address, Port used and Shared Secret by the Secondary Radius
If WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is selected, please set the PSK key in the passphrase
field. The length should be 8 characters at least.