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Setting the Deep Alarm
To set the DeepAlarm:
Press the Aim D key.
Then, use the /\ and/or V buttons to set the alarm to the desired
The setting of the deep alarm is displayed on the bar graph on the
right side of the display. When the alarm is set, a black bar will ex-
tend up from the bottom of the display to the depth that the alarm
is set at. If the unit gets an echo that is deeper than the setting, the
audible alarm will sound.
To silence the Deep Alarm
Press the Reset button.
Setting the Fish Alarm
Press the fish shaped key once to turn on, and press again to turn off.
When the Fish Alarm is turned on, the audible alarm will sound any-
time an echo above the bottom is detected.
To silence the Fish Alarm:
Press the Reset key.
Using the Flash Mode
Press once to turn on, and press again to turn off. \!\'henthe flash
mode is on, all echoes above the bottom will flash on and off, to call
attention to them.
Using the Display Freeze
The Display Freeze is used to temporarily stop the display sweep to
allow you to study the details of the display.
To Freeze the Display:
Press the Sweep button once.
To Resume normal display sweep:
Pressthe Sweepbutton again.
Using the Backlight
Use the backlight for easy visibility at night. To turn the backlight on
or off simply press the Light button.