4000 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
4.4 ATT Status Conditions
The ATT provides the following general status condition.
4.5 ATT Configuration Error Checking
The ATT performs extensive integrity checking on the configuration data before it uses it for calculations. If a
configuration error is detected, the ATT will generate a CONFIG ERROR status. The status is displayed on the local
display, available to the Model 1200 via the Diagnostic/Status Menu, and available to the host computer. To help
isolate the type configuration error, the operator can look at CFG ERROR TYPE item under the Diagnostic/Status Menu.
The following are the type of configuration errors and what causes them. The word 'Invalid' implies that the ATT was
expecting one of a certain set of values to be assigned to a particular configuration option. This may have been caused
by a sudden power outage, a failure in the EEPROM memory, or an invalid configuration received from a host computer.
Status Condition Description
Set when the configuration is modified from the Model
1200. This status condition will only be available to the
host computer and will not appear on the Model 1200.
Error Message Description
Check the level and temperature scaling values under
the Host Comm Menu. The ATT insures that the
minimum value is smaller than the maximum value.
Check the four level and four temperature alarm
setpoints under the Config Menu. The ATT insures that
the critical high setpoint is higher than the advisory
high, the advisory high is higher than the advisory low,
and the advisory low is higher than the critical low.
Check the level and temperature deadbands under the
Config Menu. The ATT insures that they are a positive
Check the Level Type and Temperature Type under the
Config Menu. The ATT insures that they have valid