Getting to Know the Extended Features 19
Browsing the Internet with Internet Explorer
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 is available to Users and Administrators. The browser
(available by clicking Internet Explorer in the All Programs menu) has Internet option
settings that have been preselected at the factory to limit writing to flash memory. These
settings prevent exhaustion of the limited amount of flash memory available and should
not be modified. If more browser resources are required, you can access another browser
through an ICA or RDP session.
Figure 4 Internet Explorer
Establishing Remote Desktop Connections
Remote Desktop Connection is available to Users and Administrators. Use the Remote
Desktop Connection dialog box (available by clicking Remote Desktop Connection in
the All Programs menu or double-clicking the Remote Desktop Connection desktop
icon) to establish and manage connections to remote applications. The standard version
(default) is used for a single monitor display, while the Span version can be used when
extending a single session to two monitors (for dual-monitor capable thin clients). If you
find that the File Based Write Filter cache is becoming too full, you can disable Bitmap
caching in the Experience tab. For information on using Remote Desktop Connection,
refer to the Microsoft documentation at: http://www.microsoft.com
Figure 5 Remote Desktop Connection - expanded view example