66 Chapter 6
close the DOS window that is present during the process; the DOS window will close
Event: The System Settings Change message may appear shortly after the first boot,
depending on the specific hardware configuration of the thin client.
• The New Hardware Found message displays in the system tray (lower right hand
corner of the screen).
• The System Settings Change message prompts for a system restart.
Figure 39 System Settings Change message
Action: If this System Settings Change message appears, click No. Do not interrupt the
thin client while it is automatically running through configuration and reboot.
Using WinVNC to Shadow a Thin Client
Administrators Only - WinVNC Server is installed locally on the thin client. It allows a thin
client to be operated/monitored (shadowed) from a remote machine on which VNC Viewer
is installed. This allows a remote administrator to configure or reset a thin client from a
remote location rather than making a personal appearance at the thin client site. VNC is
intended primarily for support and troubleshooting purposes.
VNC Server starts automatically as a service at thin client startup. The service can also be
stopped and started by using the Services window (opened by clicking Start | Control
Panel | Administrative Tools | Services).
If you want to permanently save the state of the service, be sure to flush the
files of the File Based Write Filter during the current system session.
Setting VNC Server Properties
To open the WinVNC: Current User Properties dialog box, click Start | Programs |
WinVNC Current User Properties, or double-click the WinVNC icon in the system tray of
the Administrator taskbar. For information on configuring VNC, refer to the VNC
documentation at: http://www.realvnc.com
The default password in this dialog box is Wyse. For security, it is highly
recommended that the password be changed (to one known only by the
Administrator) immediately upon receipt of the thin client.