Xantrex Technology GPIB-M-HPD Power Supply User Manual

SCPI Command Reference
Understanding SCPI Commands
100 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
The following punctuation is sent with the command string:
Colons (:) separate command keywords from lower-level keywords.
For example, CAL:CURR:STAT.
Blank spaces separate command keywords from parameter values.
For example, CURR 0.1.
Commas separate parameters from each other when more than one parameter is
sent in the same string. For example, CAL:STAT OFF,”1234.”
Semicolons (;) separate multiple commands from the same subsystem. This
allows for greater efficiency. For example:
is the same as typing:
Colons and semicolons can be used together to link commands from different
subsystems. For example:
The following punctuation is not sent with the command string:
Braces ( { } ) identify a selection of choices. Choose one of the enclosed values.
Vertical bars, or pipes, ( | ) separate the choices found within the braces.
Angle brackets ( < > ) identify where specific values must be entered for a
parameter. For example, in the example at the top of the page, the parameter
<current> appears in the command string. To set the current setpoint to 0.1A, the
syntax is CAL:CURR:LEV 0.1.
Square brackets ( [ ] ) identify optional parameters or keywords. If an optional
parameter is not sent with the command string, a default parameter will be used.
Using Minimum and Maximum
In the following example, Minimum and Maximum are offered as alternative choices
to declaring a specific parameter value.
CAL:CURRent:LEVel {<current>|MIN|MAX}
The string CAL:CURR:LEV MIN sets the current calibration level to the minimum
model value.