Status Registers
76 Operating Manual for Multichannel Functionality (GPIB-M)
Table 4.7 QUEStionable Status Register
This shows whether the present voltage level is over or under the specified trip limit.
Table 4.8 VOLTage Sub-Register
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 VOLTage Summary Reflects a summary of the
VOLTage Sub-Register.
1 2 CURRent Summary Reflects a summary of the
CURRent Sub-Register.
2 4 TIME Not implemented
4 16 Over Temperature Indicates the OTP circuit has
5 32 FREQuency Summary Not implemented
6 64 PHASe Summary Not implemented
7 128 MODulation Summary Not implemented
8 256 CALibration Indicates an error in the unit
9 512 Not Used Not implemented
10 1024 Not Used Not implemented
11 2048 AC Off Indicates an AC Supply failure.
12 4096 UNRegulated Indicates that the output is not
regulated in either Constant
Voltage mode, Constant Current
mode or Constant Power mode.
Reflects the inverse of the
Operation Regulation Summary bit.
13 8192 INSTrument Summary Not implemented
14 16384 Command Warning Not implemented
15 32768 Not Used Always zero
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Description
0 1 Over VOLtage Set if the supply’s output voltage
exceeds the over-voltage trip level,
either user-specified variable trip limit,
or the fixed trip limit.
1 2 Under VOLtage Set if the supply’s output voltage is less
than the user-specified under-voltage
trip level (variable trip limit) and the
supply is in Operation state.