In this manual
This manual provides step-by-step instructions and reference information for
the Apple Color OneScanner and the OneScanner Dispatcher application.
Chapter Title Provides information about. . .
1 Welcome This manual and system requirements
2 Setting Up the Scanner Assembling and connecting the scanner
to your Macintosh computer
3 Installing the Scanner Installing the OneScanner Dispatcher
application and related software
4 Scanning Images Using the scanner and the OneScanner
Dispatcher application to scan, save, print,
and fax; using drag-and-drop icons
5 Editing Scanned Images Using the OneScanner Dispatcher application
to change your scanned images
6 Scanning Text Using the OneScanner Dispatcher application
to scan text
7 Dispatcher Commands The software, organized by menus and tools
8 Scanner Maintenance Basic maintenance procedures
9 Using the Automatic Installation and use
Document Feeder
10 Using the Transparent Installation and use, including a section
Media Adapter on troubleshooting