Windows 2000/XP:
2000: Open Start | Settings | Control Panel. Double-click
Phone and Modem Options. Fill in the Location
Information screen if it appears.
XP: Open Start | Control Panel. Double-click Printers and
other Hardware then Phone and Modem Options. Fill in
the Location Information screen if it appears.
On the Phone and Modem Options screen, click the
Modems tab and select your newly installed modem. Click
Properties. Set the Maximum speed to the highest speed
available (probably 115,200).
Select the Diagnostics tab. Click Query Modem. Make a
note of the COM port in use.
Click OK. Click OK again. Close the Control Panel.
Continue below.
Installing the Communications Software
The accompanying CD describes each communication software
package included with your modem and provides easy point-
and-click installation. If necessary, consult the help on the CD.
Important—If Your PC Had an Existing Modem
You must redirect your application software so that it recognizes
your new modem.
• America Online Users: From the AOL Welcome screen,
click the Setup button; then click Expert Setup. Select the
Devices tab and double-click the name of your new modem.
• Dial-up Networking Users: From your computer’s desktop,
double-click My Computer and then Dial-up Networking.
Double-click the Make New Connection icon, select your
new modem from the dropdown list, and follow the prompts.
Removing an Internal Modem
You should follow these instructions if your computer already has
an internal PCI modem installed, and you want to replace it with
your new modem.
From the desktop, open the Control Panel, and then click
Add or Remove Programs. In the dialog box that opens,
select the modem that you want to uninstall and click
(Depending on your operating system, some of these
buttons may have slightly different labels.)