
SmartCard Manager
The Multiple use r sup port is imple me nte d and ma na ge d in Sma rtC a rd
Manager. Please note that five users can be registered on one PC. If
you registered as the Primary User, ONLY you c an add/ remove other
users. If you registered as a regular user, other registered users c ould
add/remove you. All registered users will be able to use the View
Sma rtC a rd users option.
Change Password
Click the Change Password button, fill in the three fields in the
C h a n g e P a s sw o r d d ia l o g b o x, a n d th e n c l o s e th e d i a l o g b o x b y c l i c ki n g
the OK button to c ha nge the Sma rtC a rd pa ssword.
PlatinumSecure can also be used to encrypt/decrypt files except for
system files or files that are already encrypted with other applications.
Double-click on a file to automatically encrypt/decrypt it. However, if
the file is assoc iated with an applic ation, it will be opened with that
a pp lic a tion instea d of b e ing enc ryp te d . No te tha t the e nc ryp tio n is not
recursive. That is, when you encrypt a folder, only the files immediately
under that folder are encrypted, other files under subfolders are not.
To find the Encrypt/Decrypt commands:
Right-c lic k on the Sta rt menu,
Right-c lick on a folder or ic on on your Windows desktop, or
In Windows Explorer, right-click on a selected folder, file, or group
TM360.book Page 39 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM