3 Troubleshooting your computer
Requesting service
International Traveler’s Warranty (ITW)
Your computer is backed by an International Traveler’s Warranty (ITW)
that gives you security and peace of mind when traveling. Our
worldwide network of service centers are there to give you a helping
An ITW passport c omes with your c omputer. This passport c ontains all
you need to know about the ITW program. A list of available,
a uthorized servic e c e nte rs a re in this ha nd y bookle t. Re a d this
passport thoroughly.
Alwa y s ha v e yo ur ITW p a ssp ort on ha nd , e sp e c ia lly whe n yo u tra v e l to
rec eive the benefits from our support c enters. Plac e your proof-of-
purc ha se in the fla p loc a ted inside the front c ove r of the ITW pa ssp ort.
If the c ountry you are traveling in does not have an Ac er-authorized
ITW servic e site, you c an still get in c ontac t with our offic es worldwide.
There are three ways to access Acer for technical support and
informa tion:
• Interne t se rvic e world wide , visit http:/ / www.a c e rsupp ort.c om/
• Telephone support in the United States and C anada, c all 1-800-
• Technical support numbers in various countries
You c an view a list of tec hnic al support numbers by following these
1 C lic k on Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2 Double -c lic k on System.
3 C lic k on the Support Information button.
Before you call
P le a se ha ve the follo wing info rm a tio n a va ila b le whe n yo u c a ll Ac e r fo r
online servic e, and please be at your c omputer when you c all. With
yo ur sup p o rt, we c a n re d uc e the a m ount o f tim e a c a ll ta ke s a nd he lp
solve your problems efficiently.
TM360.book Page 66 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM