To use FIR, position two IR-aware devic es suc h that their IR ports are no
more than one meter apart and offset no more than 15 degrees.
When the two computers are in position, simply begin the data
transfer as you normally would. See your file transfer software for
Universal Serial Bus
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) port is a high-speed serial bus whic h
allows you to c onnec t and daisy-c hain USB peripherals without taking
up prec ious system resourc es. Your c omputer has two ports available.
PC Card slots
There is a type II C ardBus PC Card slot found on the left side of the
computer. This slot accepts credit-card-sized cards that enhance the
us a b ility a nd e xp a nd ab ility o f the c ompu te r. The se c a rd s sh o uld h a v e a
PC C ard logo on them.
PC C a rds (formerly PC MC IA) are a d d-on c a rd s for porta ble c omputers,
giving you expansion possibilities long afforded by desktop PCs.
Popular type II cards include flash memory, SRAM, fax/data modem,
LAN and SC SI c ards. C ardBus improves on the 16-bit PC c ard
technology by expanding the bandwidth to 32 bits.
ZV (Zoome d Vid eo) a llows your c ompute r to supp ort ha rdwa re MPEG
in the form of a ZV PC c ard.
TM360.book Page 49 Friday, September 21, 2001 5:39 PM