
MS Information / Signaling
RAND This field displays the RAND number when the Authentication Mode is Full. You
must enter the RAND number (and Kc) when the Authentication Mode is Partial.
This field is not displayed when Authentication Mode is None.
MS SRES This field is the Mobile Stations Signed RESponse to an authentication request.
When the Authentication Mode field is None, this field will be blanked. When the
Authentication Mode is Full, BSRES and MSRES should match. If BSRES and
MSRES don’t match, the call will be cleared.
BS SRES This field is the Base Stations Signed RESponse, and is only displayed when
Authentication Mode is Full.
BSRES is calculated by the Agilent 8922M/S, then used to validate MSRES by
checking for a match between BSRES and MSRES.
When the Authentication Mode field is Partial or None, this field will be blanked.