
Making Measurements
This is the default mode after cycling the power or selecting .
A functional mobile phone will lock on (camp on) to a signal which is produced by
the Agilent 8922M/S. The characteristic of this signal appears in the BASE
STATION fields, (1), see Figure 2-2 on page 2-6. These fields show the Channel
number and the Amplitude of the signal. Once the mobile phone has camped on to
the signal, it is possible to make a call between the mobile phone and the Agilent
Making a Call From
the Mobile Phone to
the Agilent 8922M/S
Cycle the power on the Agilent 8922M/S or select .
Insert a Test SIM card into the mobile phone. [The Test SIM (Subscriber Identity
Module) holds the user’s customized information. Agilent supply both micro and
standard Test SIMs.]
Connect the mobile phone to the RF IN/OUT connector on the front panel of the
Agilent 8922M/S.
Switch on the mobile phone and wait for it to camp to the Agilent 8922M/S (most
mobile phones display 001-01 when the mobile phone has camped).
Dial any number on the mobile phone and press send.
The call set-up should now proceed. The CALL STATUS field on the screen should
display CONNECTED, (2), see Figure 2-2 on page 2-6. Once the call has been
established, the following information is displayed:
Peak Power transmitted by the mobile phone is displayed in the center of the
In the CELL STATUS area, (3), see Figure 2-2 on page 2-6, the mobile phone
reports its:
Transmit power level (TX Lev)
Received level (RX Lev)
Received signal quality (RX Qual)
Confirmation of the Traffic Channel and Timeslot is displayed to the left of the
mobile phone reports.
If the call does not proceed, there may be a problem with the mobile phone. Refer to
“Test Mode” in this chapter which explains how to configure the Agilent 8922M/S
to troubleshoot the mobile phone. When a call is connected, any speech received
from the mobile phone is echoed back by the Agilent 8922M/S, into the mobile
phone with a 0.5 second delay. This allows provisional checking of the mobile
phone’s audio sections by speaking into the mobile phone and listening for the echo
of your voice.