
Instrument BASIC
Agilent Technologies 8922M/S Instrument BASIC Overview
Programs That Use the TESTS Subsystem
The TESTS subsystem’s capabilities were designed to allow the operator to “pick
and choose” the tests and parameters they need from a larger set, eliminating
unnecessary tests and reducing test time. This is especially helpful when a very large
program has been written containing several tests and a multitude of associated
specifications, test parameters and frequencies.
Writing programs to run in this environment requires you to understand and adhere
to the program structure and syntax required by the TESTS subsystem.
Programs That Do Not Use the TESTS Subsystem
If you have a common test routine that uses the same tests and parameters every
time it is run, it may be easier to write your test program to run directly in the
IBASIC computer without using the TESTS subsystem.
These programs are much like any stand-alone program, and development of these
programs will not be covered by this chapter. All of the general information sections
of this chapter can be applied to these types of IBASIC programs.
By writing tests that do not use the TESTS subsystem, you lose the ability to easily
access and change the test order and associated parameters with the subsystem’s
editing screens (although you can write your program to provide operator input
during the test to change parameters).