Making Measurements
After making one type of measurement, another can be made by simply pressing
and, using the knob, selecting the next measurement of your choice.
Peak Carrier Power
The peak transmitter carrier power averages the transmitter carrier power for a
single burst. This average is calculated over the time that the data information bits
are transmitted.
NOTE Select the Pwr Zero field, disconnect external source and lower BCH power, (3),
see Figure 2-6 on page 2-14, to zero the power meter before any signal is applied.
The peak transmitter carrier power value is displayed on the cell control screen.
After you have set up a call (Active Cell) or manually aligned the Agilent
8922M/S to the mobile phone (Test Mode/CW Generator), the Peak Power
reading is displayed in the center of the screen (1).
Below the CALL STATUS area of the cell control screen are reports from the
mobile phone. These appear only when using Active Cell. They indicate the TX
Level which the phone is transmitting and the RX Level and RX Quality of the
received signal, (2), see Figure 2-6 on page 2-14.
Figure 2-6 Peak Power Measurements