Getting Started
Documentation for the N9061A application
Documentation for the N9061A application
Signal Analyzers with N9061A
When you purchase your X-Series signal analyzer with the Remote Language Compatibility Suite
(N9061A), this manual - the Remote Language Compatibility Guide (N9020-90119) is included on the
documentation CD and is installed on the analyzer in the online help.
For information on PXA series analyzers and other related documentation, refer to the PXA web site at
For information on MXA series analyzers and other related documentation, refer to the MXA web site at
For information on EXA series analyzers and other related documentation, refer to the EXA web site at
This Remote Language Compatibility Guide is not designed to be a comprehensive guide to all legacy
commands. It gives brief descriptions of the supported commands, and highlights important functional or
behavioral differences that you should be aware of when transferring your existing code to your X-Series
analyzer. For a fuller description of these commands, refer to the manuals supplied with your original
Signal Analyzer Updates
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and product information, please visit the URL below.