Getting Started
Installing the N9061A application
Installing the N9061A application
Remote language compatibility for the 8566/8568/8560 Series of analyzers is a licensed application on
the X-Series analyzers. The option for 8560 series is N9061A-2FP and the option for 8566/8568 is
N9061A-1FP. The application must be installed and licensed on the X-Series analyzer (PXA, MXA,
EXA but not CXA) for it to work correctly.
The license is installed on the X-Series analyzer in one of the following ways:
• If you purchased a new X-Series analyzer with the N9061A application then the product is installed
and licensed and ready to use.
• If you have an X-Series analyzer and have subsequently purchased the N9061A application then you
can download the N9061A application from the Agilent website. The N9061A application is installed
as part of a software upgrade. See the link below for Signal Analyzers software upgrade site. After
upgrading your software you should then use your entitlement certificate to license the product (see
Licensing below).
The latest revision of the software may be downloaded from:
NOTE No calibration is required after the N9061A application is installed.
When you order a licensed product, you receive an entitlement certificate. Instructions are provided on
your entitlement certificate to direct you to the Web site to redeem your certificate for a license key. You
need to provide your instrument product number and serial number, and the entitlement certificate
The license is downloaded from the license website onto a USB storage device so that it can be loaded
into the instrument.
Required Information: Front Panel Key Path:
Model #: (Ex. N9020A)
Serial Number:
System > Show > System