Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 109 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.23 Configuration of job activations
(Job activations menu)
Any number of system reactions for the alarm inputs can be specified in this
menu. A job activation is absolutely necessary in order to ensure that camera
images are saved.
No. Name Description
1 New
Creates a new job activation.
Click on New and make your entries in the dialog
box that opens.
2 Edit
For editing an existing job activation.
Select a job activation in the list box and click on
Edit. You can now change the existing inputs.
3 Delete
Deletes an existing job activation.
Select a job activation in the list box and click on De-
lete. The job activation is deleted.
4 Copy Copies an existing job activation.
Select the job activation in the list box and click on
Copy. The job activation is copied and can be
adapted quickly.
5 Input Select the input.