Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 18 –
Quick installation (continued)
Select storage method
You can determine the following for each camera in this dialog box:
D if a recording (storage of images) should take place and
D how many images per camera should be displayed.
The system automatically determines the type of recording for each camera.
The system will thus create a storage job with the following settings:
D Recording: Always record
D Images per second: 1
You can change this standard setting as follows:
No. Name Description
1 Click on the camera whose setting you wish to
change. The selection is displayed in color.
2 Grabber no.: x Select when a recording should occur for each
Always record The camera always records.
In case of motion The camera starts recording as soon as a move-
ment occurs. The area of the camera image to be
monitored can be drawn in Expert Configuration
(menu Hardware/Framegrabber/Cameras,
Setup buttons).
In case of alarm The camera records as soon as the correspond-
ing alarm input of the frame grabber triggers (e.g.
Camera 1 corresponds to Detector 1).
Never (liveimg only) No recording occurs. Only a camera live image is