Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 95 –
Configuration (continued)
4 Time interval The times (from ... to) for the selected weekdays,
holidays and special dates can be entered here.
New A new time can be entered.
Edit An existing time can be changed.
Delete Deletes the time periods of the selected day.
5 Day The holidays and special dates are selected here.
Activation only occurs on the selected day if a
time interval is assigned. If there is no time
interval, no activation occurs.
New A new day can be selected.
Edit An existing day can be changed.
Delete Deletes the selected day.
6 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect
inputs, click on Reject and start over.
You have to assign a time period to a job in the Job Activations menu.