Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
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Configuration (continued)
Entering control commands via the command line
Here using the command line you can specify different settings for dome
cameras or matrixes that you can call up automatically again and again. For
more information about which commands are possible, see the operating
instructions for the camera or matrix in question. The operator can select these
commands quickly in the live image if these have been released for the
operator’s authorization.
6 Camera command line
Click on the arrow pointing downwards in the
Camera command line option group and select
a number that has not been used if you want to
save a position or select a previously saved
position if you want to change it.
Enter the command in the command line (via the
line with the down arrow).
You can perform a command for checking by
clicking on Transmit .
The saved command is deleted via Delete .
Save Click on Save, enter a logical name in the open
dialog box, and confirm it. A message appears
that the command has been saved. The name is
imported. Selecting this name causes the camera
to automatically carry out the command.
Accepting entries
7 OK Click OK to confirm your entries.
Example: Matrix: CCL command
LCM+ 2 1
(that is, switch Camera 2 to Monitor 1)