
CHAPTER 3 "PCL5C" - 11
3.6. Push/Pop Palette
ESC*p#P (27)(42)(112)#(80) <1Bh><2Ah><70h>#<50h>
= 0 * Push palette
= 1 Pop palette
* Default value = 0
The value of 0 pushes the current palette onto the palette stack. This command does not affect the current
The value of 1 pops the palette from the top of the palette stack and replacesthe current palette with it.
If the Pop Palette command is executed without a Push palette having first having been executed, it is
The palette stack is controlled as a First In Last Out stack.
The parameters below are pushed to the palette stack;
w Color Mode (Simple Color / PCL Color Mode)
w Parameters to be set by the Set PCL Color Setting command
w Encoding Mode (mode 0, 1, 2, 3)
w Bits / index
w Bits / value #1
w Bits / value #2
w Bits / value #3
w Black and White Reference
w Parameter of Render Algorithm
w Parameter of Gamma Correction
w Color Palette
w Dither to be downloaded by the Download Dither Matrix command
w Pen Width (HP-GL/2)
The data below is pushed to the palette stack;
w Colors to be selected by the Select Color command
w Colors to be selected by the Set #1, #2, #3 command
w Monochrome Print Mode