PW-Pen width
PW n[;]
w ; width (unit = 1/300 inch)
• This command specifies the width of the currently selected pen.
• The value of w is an integer number from 1 to 10.
SM - Symbol mode
SM c[;]
c ; ASCII character or symbol code
• The command specifies the symbol to be drawn.
• When the PA, PR, PD or PU instruction is used, the specified symbol will be drawn at the end of each vector.
• The specified symbol will be drawn at the end of each vector even if the pen is up when the PA or PR
instructions are used.
• Omitting the parameter field cancels the symbol mode.
10 '*** SMEX ***
20 LPRINT "IN;SP1;SM*;PA500,1500;"
30 LPRINT "PD600,1590,670,1860,850,1960,1320,1900,1940,2350:"
40 LPRINT "PU;SM;PA500,500;SM3;"
50 LPRINT "PA550,800,680,720,800,950,1150,1230,1870,1350;PU;"
60 LPRINT "SM;PA1850,600;PD;SMY;PA3000,1450;"
70 LPRINT "SMZ;PA3300,1150;SMX;PA1850,600;PU;"
80 END
<Sample 78>
SP - Select pen
SP [ n ] [;]
n ; Pen number
• Selects the pen specified by the pen number.
• The value for n must be an integer from 0 to 6.
TL - Tick length
TL l1(,l2)[;]
1-Length of ticks in the positive X- and Y-axes
2-Length of ticks in the negative X- and Y-axes
• Tick length is a percentage of the vertical and horizontal distances between P1 and P2.
• Sets the length of tick marks for the XT and YT instructions.
• Values for 1 and 2 are clamped real numbers.
• When the parameter field is omitted, the default values for tick length are used, for both l1 and l2, these are
0.5% of the horizontal and vertical distances between P1 and P2.
10 '*** TLEX ***
30 FOR I=1 TO 10
40 LPRINT "PR800,0;XT;"
60 LPRINT "TL;PU;PA300,279;PD;"
70 GOSUB 1000
80 LPRINT "TL1,0;PU;PA1100,279;PD;"
20 LPRINT "IN;PA300,279;SP2;PD;TL90;XT;";
90 GOSUB 1000
100 LPRINT "TL0,5;PU;PA1900,279;"
110 GOSUB 1000
120 LPRINT "PA300,6759;TL80;YT;PU;"
130 END
1010 FOR J=1 TO 8
1020 LPRINT "PRO,720;YT;"
1030 NEXT J
<Sample 77>