CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 57
10 Unbound font. Character codes corresponding to MSL numbers are acceptable.
11 Unbound font. Character codes corresponding to Unicode numbers are acceptable.
When a 7-bit font or 8-bit font is selected, it is possible for codes 00H to FFH to load characters or delete
them. It is also possible to print the characters if they are defined as transparent print data.
• Style MSB (UW) - combined with the Style LSB to make the style word. The value of the style word is
calculated as follows: style word = posture + (4 width) + (32 structure).
Value Posture
0 Upright
1 Italic
2 Alternate Italic
3 Reserved
Value Width
0 Normal
1 Condensed
2 Compressed or Extra Condensed
3 Extra compressed
4 Ultra compressed
5 Reserved
6 Extended or Expanded
7 Extra Extended or Extra Expanded
Value Structure
0 Solid
1 Outline
2 In-line
3 Contour
4 Solid with Shadow
5 Outline with Shadow
6 Inline with Shadow
7 Contour with Shadow
8-11 Patterned (Complex patterns, subject to type family )
12-15 Patterned with Shadow
16 Inverse
17 Inverse in Open Border
18-30 Reserved
31 Unknown structure
The reserved bits should be set to Zero.
• Baseline position (UI) -
Bitmap font - the height in dots from the top of the character cell to the baseline. The units of dots is
the same as the defined font resolution. This number can be in the range 0 to (cell
height - 1).
Intellifont scalable - a Y coordinate in the design cell.
TrueType scalable - the height in dots from the top of the character cell to the baseline. This should be set
to 0.
• Cell width (UI) - ignored by these printers. The width in dots of the character cell. This can be from 1 to 65535.
• Cell height (UI) - ignored by these printers. The height in dots of the character cell. This can be from 1 to
• Orientation (UB) - 0(portrait), 1(landscape), 2(reverse portrait) or 3(reverse landscape). Ignored by these
• Spacing (B) - the type of spacing, 0 (fixed pitch) or 1 (proportional spacing).
• Symbol set (UI) - a symbol set ID consists of a number and a letter. The symbol set attribute value is
calculated as follows: symbol set = (32 x number) + (ASCII value of letter - 64). For example, Math-8 has the
symbol set ID ‘8M’ so it would be encoded as (32 x 8) + (77 – 64) = 269.