CHAPTER 2 "PCL" - 59
For Intellifont-scalable fonts only, the default HMI is calculated as follows.
Default HMI (in dots) = (300 x master design pitch x required point size) ÷
{Master x Resolution ÷(height x 8)}
Default HMI ( in dots ) =
(300 x master design pitch x required point size) ÷ {72.307 x scale factor}
Height (UI) - specifies the height of the font in 1/4 dots. Combined with Height Extended to specify the
height of the font in 1/1024 dots. This value can be converted to the point size (1/72").
For example, in case of a 10 point font at 300 dpi,
10 point
1 inch
300 dots
1 dots
= 166.667
This value is normally set to 2000 for Intellifont and should be set to zero for TrueType fonts.
• x-height (UI) - ignored by the HL Series printers. This word specifies the height (for Bitmap fonts) or the
distance from the baseline (for Scalable fonts) of a lower case ‘x’ in 1/4 dots.
• Width type (SB) - ignored by the HL Series printers. This byte specifies the font character width according to
the table below.
Value Width type
–5 Ultra compressed
–4 Extra compressed
–3 Compressed or Extra condensed
–2 Condensed
0 Normal
2 Expanded
3 Extra expanded
• Style LSB (UB) - see Style MSB.
• Stroke weight (SB) - valid values are from –7 to +7. 0 denotes the normal (Roman) stroke width, –7 is the
lightest possible stroke and 7 is the boldest.
Value Stroke Weight
–7 Ultra thin
–6 Extra thin
–5 Thin
–4 Extra light
–3 Light
–2 Demi light
–1 Semi light
0 Medium, Book, or Text
1 Semi bold
2 Demi bold
3 Bold
4 Extra bold
5 Black
6 Extra black
7 Ultra black
• Typeface family (UB) – the typeface. This word is made up of the Typeface MSB and the Typeface LSB and
identifies the typeface by number.
Bits 0 to 11 specify the typeface family and bits 12 to 15 specify the vending company.
Typeface Family