490 CyberSWITCH
In - ABNORMAL RPT Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> ConnId=<connect Id>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix>
The system has detected an internal error condition. The <parameters> are included for your
Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support. An error message describing the problem should be
reported following this trace message.
In - ABNORMAL RSP Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> Err=<error>
Sev=<severity> State=<state>
The system has detected an invalid internal message type. Contact your Distributor or Cabletron
Customer Support. The <parameters> are included for your Distributor or Customer Support.
In - ALERTING Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Ces=<communication endpoint suffix>
ConnId=<connect Id> Chans=<bearer channel map>
Informational call trace message. The system has received an alerting message from the network.
The Call Id and Ces values are included for your Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support. The
remaining parameters are used to report line details.
Inband treatment has been applied
Call trace message (informational only). There are audible tones on the B-channel. (Refer to
“Disconnect for <tone value>” message for possible tone values.) If the message persists, contact
your Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support.
In -BRD CFG ACK Slot=<slot #>
This is an initialization acknowledgment message for the indicated adapter. It is in response to a
configure message.
In - CALL RQST ACK Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Ces=<communication endpoint
suffix> ConnId=<connect Id>
A call request acknowledgment for the indicated call request.
In - CHAN STATUS Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Channel=<channel>
Action=<action> ChanState=<channel state> SvcsState=<service state>
The system has received a channel status message from the network. This message is received
when the status of a bearer channel on a line has changed. The <parameters> specify the channel
and the new state.
In - CLEAR Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Loc=<location> Cause=<cause value>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> ConnId=<connect Id>
The system has received a call clear message from the network. This is usually received after a call
disconnect is either initiated by the system or the network. The <parameters> are included for your
Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support.Refer to the Cause Codes Table for more information.
In - configure ack <slot #>
This is an initialization acknowledgment message for the indicated line adapter. It is in response to
a configure message.
In - CONNECT Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot#> Port=<port #> Chans=<bearer channel map>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> ConnId=<connect Id>
The system has received a connect message from the network. This indicates that a new call is now
established and ready for use. The Call Id and Ces values are included for your Distributor or
Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining parameters are used to report line details.