We define basic configuration as the configuration needed by most users. Basic configuration will
get your system up and running. Note that not all configuration steps in this part are required. For
example, if you are only using bridging, you will have no need to complete the configuration steps
included in Configuring Basic IP Routing.
We include the following chapters in the Basic Configuration segment of the User’s Guide:
• Configuration Tools
A description of the configuration tools provided for configuring the CyberSWITCH.
• Configuring Lines and Resources
Instructions for configuring your system’s lines and resources.
• Configuring Basic Bridging
Instructions for configuring your system’s basic bridging information. Basic bridging includes:
enabling/disabling bridging and bridge dial-out.
• Configuring Basic IP Routing
Instructions for configuring your system’s basic IP routing information. Basic IP routing
includes enabling/disabling IP, IP operating mode, network interfaces, static routes, and
enabling/disabling IP RIP.