Workgroup Remote Access Switch 521
Saving Operational Information
Note: If data compression is being used, an extra line will be displayed on the Connection
Monitor screen that will provide the compression and decompression ratios, and the
estimated throughput. The estimated throughput is calculated as follows:
est. thruput (in Kbits/second) = [(uncmp bits + undmp bits)/sample period)]/1000
Where uncmp bits = the number of uncompressed bits
undmp bits = the number of undecompressed bits
sample period = configured length of the sample period
#1. Indicates the site name for the connected site that was selected on the Connection Monitor
#2. Indicates the current bandwidth in place to the connected site. This number will be
updated as calls are added or released.
#3. Example of three samples where actual bandwidth utilization was around 95% and
underload was not being monitored (probably because only one connection was in place).
In this example, overload is occurring on all three samples.
#4. Example of three samples where actual bandwidth utilization was around 70% and
underload was being monitored at around 25% utilization of current bandwidth. In this
example, overload is occurring on all three samples.
#5. Example of three samples where actual bandwidth utilization was around 10% and
underload was being monitored at around 25% utilization of current bandwidth. In this
example, underload is occurring on all three samples.
#6. Example of three samples where actual bandwidth utilization was around 25% and
underload was being monitored at around 10% utilization of current bandwidth. In this
example, neither overload nor underload is occurring.
From the Throughput Monitor screen, press:
To freeze the current throughput monitor display.
To resume the display of throughput monitor samples.
To exit the Throughput Monitor and return to the Connection Monitor screen.
The following commands are used to save system operational information to disk:
Writes the current system messages to disk file.