Workgroup Remote Access Switch 491
Call Trace Messages
In - DISCONNECT Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Loc=<location> Cause=<cause value>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> ConnId=<connect Id>
The system has received a disconnect message from the network. The Call Id and Ces values are for
your Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining parameters are used to report line
details. Refer to the Cause Codes Table for more information.
In - DL CFG ACK Slot=<slot #> Port=< port #> Ces=<communication endpoint suffix
This is a data link initialization acknowledgment for the indicated data link.
In - DSL CFG ACK Slot=<slot #> Port=< port #>
This is a line initialization acknowledgment for the indicated line.
In - FACILITY ACK Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> ConnId=<connect Id>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix>
The system has received a facility acknowledgment message from the network. The Call Id and Ces
values are included for your Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining
parameters are used to report line details.
In - FACILITY Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> ConnId=<connect Id>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix>
The system has received a facility message from the network. The Call Id and Ces values are
included for your Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining parameters are used
to report line details.
In - FACILITY REJ Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Loc=<location> Cause=<cause>
ConnId=<connect Id> Ces=<communication endpoint suffix>
The system has received a facility rejection message from the network. The Call Id and Ces values
are included for your Distributor or Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining parameters are
used to report line details. Refer to the Cause Codes Table for more information.
In - INCOMING CALL Call Id=<call Id> Slot =<slot #> Port=<port #> Chans=<bearer channel map>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> Rate=<data rate>
The system has received an incoming call from the network. The system will respond with a
connect or a disconnect message. The Call Id and Ces values are included for your Distributor or
Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining parameters are used to report line details.
In - INFORMATION Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Chans=<bearer channel map>
CauseLoc=<cause location> Cause=<cause value> Signal=<signal value> ProgLoc=<progress location>
Prog=<progress value> Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> ConnId=<connect Id>
The system has received a call progress message from the network. This is usually received in
response to sending a call request. The <parameters> are included for your Distributor or
Cabletron Customer Support.Refer to the Cause Codes Table for more information.
In - init data link <slot #, port #, ces>
The WAN card in slot <slot#> attempted to initialize the data link for port <port#> with
Communication Endpoint Suffix <ces>.
In - PROCEEDING Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot #> Port=<port #> Chans=<bearer channel map>
Ces=<communication endpoint suffix> ConnId=< connect Id>
The system has received a call proceeding message from the network. This is usually received in
response to sending a call request. The Call Id and Ces values are included for your Distributor or
Cabletron Customer Support. The remaining parameters are used to report line details.