
1-5 62-02575-07
1.2.4 DataCORDER Capabilities (Micro-Link 2 and Micro-Link 2i only)
The C arrier DataCORDER is a flexible recording device with the following capabilities:
a. Sensors
Up to six thermistor temperature probes can be connected directly to the DataCORDER.
These probes are referred to as:
1. Supply
2. R eturn
3. USDA 1
4. USDA 2
5. USDA 3
6. Auxiliary Cargo P robe
On separate DataCORDER modules (Micro-Link 2 only) there are also two 0-5vdc inputs available for future
expansion. In addition to these inputs, an additional eight sensors connected to the refrigeration or controlled
atmosphere controllers can be recorded.
1. This list of sensors includes:
2. Humidity Sensor
3. C ontrolled Atmosphere Gas Sensors
4. Temperature Controller Probes (including: supply, return, and defrost temperatures)
5. C ontroller Pressure Sensors
6. Current Sensors
7. Line Voltage Sensor
8. Frequency
The supply and return sensors (SRS and RRS) used by the DataCORDER are not the same supply and return
sensors (STS and RTS) used by the Controller.
b. Log Interval
Micro-Link DataCORDER’s log data on 60 minute intervals from time of trip start. Micro-Link 2/2i DataCORDER
sensors can be recorded at intervals of 15, 30, 60 (default), or 120 minutes. Data is logged on the exact interval, using a
precise real time clock (RTC). All clocks are set to Greenwich Mean Time at the factory and all recording is done on
the exact interval (at 12:00 for example, rather than 12:03).
Unless specified by your customer to set t he DataCORDER clocks for another time zone, the clocks should
NOT be adjusted.
c. Sensor Recording Format
Sensors can be recorded in a wide variety of formats. A one byte temperature format can be used for compact data
storage. A t wo byte format can be used for high resolution over the entire temperature range.
1. One byte format (default): 0.25C(.45F) steps in chilled mode; 0.5C(.9F) steps in frozen mode
2. Two byte format: 0 .010C steps for entire range
d. Sampling Type
1. Averaged (default): shows average of data from every minute over the logging interval.
2. Snapshot: shows snapshot of data at the log interval.
3. USDA: shows snapshot of data at a 60 minute log interval.