
3-9 62-02575-07
The DataReader Interfaceprogram communicates with theDataReader.It providesthe userwith theabilitytoview the
files on t he DataReader, read the files from the DataReader and store the data into the DCX file format on the users
computer. The program also allows the user to erase all the files on the DataReader. The following screen is displayed
when this option is chosen.
The following is a summary of the options available in DataReader Interface Utility.
<W> Working Directory -- Allows the user to view and/or change the working directory where the interrogated data
files will be stored.
<F> Files -- Provides the user with a list of the files located in the DataReader. The user will be allowed to select one of
the DataReader files.
<U> Upload -- Allows the user to read the files from the DataReader, converts the files to DCX file format, and store
them into the working directory on the computer. The DataReader files must be selected before up loading files to the
<E> Erase -- Allows the user to delete all the files on the DataReader.