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i) Creates the sub directory C:\“directory”\DATA, where “directory” is the directory defined in step c. This is the
working directory where the DCX files are stored.
j) Creates the sub directory C:\“directory”\PRN_FLS, where “directory” is the directory defined in step c. This is the
print file directory where the ASCII Text print files are stored.
k) The user shall be notified when the installation is complete via the Installation Completion Screen and given direc-
tions on how to proceed.
l) To restore the previous customized version of the sensor configuration file, execute the following commands at the
MS--DOS prompt:
1. “del sensors.cnf” -- deletes the new sensors.cnf file
2. “ren sensors.sav sensors.cnf” -- restores the old sensors.cnf file
m) To restore the previous customized version of t he program configuration file, execute the following commands at
the MS--DOS prompt:
1. “del ml2.cnf” -- deletes the new ml2.cnf file
2. “ren ml2.sav ml2.cnf” -- restores the old ml2.cnf file
Additional Steps For The HP Palmtop
This section describes the steps required to transfer the DataView program from a PC to an HP Palmtop.
a) Prior to transferring the DataView program the user will create the following directories on the HP Palmtop:
Reciprocating Software Scroll Software
b) If a previous version of the DataView program exist on the HP Palmtop, delete all the files i n A:\DATAVIEW direc-
tory, “DEL A:\DATAVIEW\*.*.” or “DEL A:\SCROLLDV\*.*.”
c) The HP Palmtop is supplied with the “HP Connectivity Pack Program.” Prior t o transferring the files the user will
ensure this program resides on the HP Palmtop and the PC.
d) Using t he cables provided with the HP Palmtop, connect the HP Palmtop to the PC.
e) Start the HP Connectivity Software Program on the HP Palmtop and the PC.
f) Copy all the program files located on the PC i n the C:\”directory” where ”directory” is the directory defined in the
installation instructions step c, to the A:\DATAVIEW or A:\SCROLLDV directory on the HP Palmtop.
Additional Steps For The Pen--based Computer Without A Floppy Drive
This section describes the steps required to transfer the DataView program from the PC to a Pen--Based computer.
a) Using a serial cable the user shall connect the Pen--Based computer to the PC.
b) The user shall start the Windows Terminal program on the Pen--Based computer and the PC.
c) The user shall copy the installation files located on the PC’s hard drive (i.e., C:\) or the floppy drive (i.e., A:\ or B:\).
The installation files are copied into a temporary directory on the Pen--Based computer (i.e., C:\Temp).
d) After the installation files are copied to the Pen--Based computer, type C:\Temp\Install to start the installation pro-
e) Follow the steps defined above to install the program onto the Pen--Based computer.
f) To run the program the CONFIG.SYS file needs to be modified. These changes are required to increase the amount
of system memory used by the DataView program. If these changes are not made, the DataView program will run
out of memory. An out of memory message is displayed, to indicate the problem. For example; when the user is
viewing a file, only a portion of the file will be processed and displayed. The user is notified of the date range that
was processed and can be viewed. The user can continue and view t he data or cancel the operation.