
3-19 62-02575-07
Date And Time
This allows the user to view and/or modify the recorder date and time. The computer time and date are displayed as an
aid to the user. The following screen is displayed when this option i s chosen. The recorder date is displayed in
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
The user enters the date and time, the date and time is sent to the recorder, the DataView program informs the user that
the date and time was successfully sent, and returns the user to the System Tools Screen.
Upon pressing <ESC> to Cancel, the date and time are canceled and the user is returned to the System Tools Screen.
USDA Probe Calibration
This allows the user to calibrate the USDA and Cargo sensor probes on the data recorder. For a full description of the
USDA Probe Calibration selections and illustrations of the applicable screens, refer to TOPIC 14.