Chapter 12: Program Application 213Chapter 12: Program Application 213
SetReal Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetReal
Function: Specifies the Real mode (to perform real
number calculations).
SetSci Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetSciⅪ<integer from 0 to 9>
Function: Specifies the fixed number of significant
SetSequence Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetSequenceⅪ{On ; Off ; StepDisp}
Function: Turns display of expressions created
after graphing on or off or specifies “step display”
Description: When StepDisp is selected, the
expression does not appear until you press E.
SetSimulGraph Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetSimulGraphⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns simultaneous drawing of multiple
graphs on or off.
SetSketchColor Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetSketchColor [,<color command>]
Function: Specifies the color of an object drawn with
the Sketch function.
SetSmryTable Misc - Setup(3)
Syntax: SetSmryTableⅪ{<list name> ; VWin}
Function: Specifies whether summary table
generation is View Window dependent or List
dependent. Using VWin specifies View Window
SetSmryTableQD Misc - Setup(3)
Syntax: SetSmryTableQDⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Specifies whether the second derivative will
appear in summary tables.
SetStandard Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetStandard
Function: Specifies the Standard mode (to leave
calculation results as expressions).
SetStatWinAuto Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetStatWinAutoⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns automatic setup of Statistics
application View Window on or off.
SetTVariable Misc - Setup(3)
Syntax: SetTVariableⅪ{<list name> ; TableInput}
Function: Specifies the variable reference location for
table generation.
Description: Use TableInput to specify a range and
generate a table.
SetΣdisp Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetΣdispⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of subtotals for tables on or
SheetActive Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Sheet
Syntax: SheetActiveⅪ{<sheet number> ; "<sheet
Function: Selects the sheet that contains the
expression to be graphed.
Description: Even after a sheet is renamed, it can still
be specified using its previous sheet number.
SheetName Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Sheet
Syntax: SheetNameⅪ"<sheet name string>", <sheet
Function: Assigns a name to a sheet
• A sheet name can be up to eight characters long.
• Sheet number range: 1 to 5
SinReg (SinR) Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: SinRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[<yn>][,{On ; Off}]]
Function: Performs
y = a·sin(b·x + c) + d regression.
xList: Name of list for storing x-axis data
yList: Name of list for storing y-axis data
• “yn” is the Graph Editor name (y1, y2, ...) that is the
copy destination of the regression expression. Copy
is not performed when “yn” is skipped.
• “On/Off” turns residual calculation on or off.
Residual calculation is turned off when this setting is
Skip Ctrl - Control
Syntax: Skip
Function: Causes execution to jump to the statement
at the beginning of a loop.
• Skip causes execution to jump to the statement at
the beginning of a loop.
• Skip can be used inside of a For, Do, or While
SmryTSelOn Misc - Graph&Table(1)
Syntax: SmryTSelOnⅪ<expression number>
Function: Deselects all currently selected expressions
and then selects only the specified summary table
Square Misc - Statistics(2)
Function: Used as a StatGraph command argument
to specify an option. See StatGraph.