
Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter2 Configuring the Cable Modem Termination System for the First Time
Configuring the CiscouBR10012Router Using the Setup Facility
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 10000 Software (UBR10K-P6-M), Version 12.2(2)XF
TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/ibld/view.pl?i=support
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 20-Jul-01 16:15 by test
Image text-base: 0x60008960, data-base: 0x612E0000
cisco uBR10000 (PRE-RP) processor with 98304K/32768K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID TBA05080458
R7000 CPU at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache
Backplane version 1.0, 8 slot
Last reset from unexpected value
Toaster processor tmc0 is running.
Toaster processor tmc1 is running.
1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
509K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
46976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes).
32768K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256KB).
Press RETURN to get started!
Note The first two sections of the configuration script, the banner and the installed hardware, appear only at initial
system startup. On subsequent uses of the Setup facility, the script begins with the following prompt.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: yes
At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.
Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.
Basic management setup configures only enough connectivity
for management of the system, extended setup will ask you
to configure each interface on the system
Step3 When asked if you want to continue with the System Configuration dialog and enter basic management
setup (displays the current interface summary), enter yes or press Return:
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]: yes
Would you like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]: yes
The interface summary appears, showing the state of configured and unconfigured interfaces.
Step4 Choose which protocols to support on your interfaces. For IP-only installations, you can accept the
default values for most of the questions. A typical configuration using IP follows and continues through
Configuring global parameters:
Enter host name [Router]: router
Step5 Enter the enable secret password, the enable password, and the virtual terminal password:
The enable secret password is a one-way cryptographic secret
password used instead of the enable password when it exists.
Enter enable secret: ******