
Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Overview of CiscouBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software
Supported Software Features for the CiscouBR10012 Router
PacketCable Emergency 911 Services Listing and History
Packetcable Multimedia for the Cisco CMTS
PacketCable 1.0 With CALEA
Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9a)BC introduces DOCSIS 1.1 support for PacketCable 1.0 with
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) on the Cisco uBR10012 universal
broadband router with the Cisco uBR10-MC5X20S/U Broadband Processing Engine (BPE).
PacketCable is a program initiative from Cablelabs and its associated vendors to establish a standard way
of providing packet-based, real-time video and other multimedia traffic over hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC)
cable networks. The PacketCable specification is built upon the Data-over-Cable System Interface
Specifications (DOCSIS) 1.1, but it extends the DOCSIS protocol with several other protocols for use
over non-cable networks, such as the Internet and the public switched telephone network (PSTN).
This allows PacketCable to be an end-to-end solution for traffic that originates or terminates on a cable
network, simplifying the task of providing multimedia services over an infrastructure composed of
disparate networks and media types. It also provides an integrated approach to end-to-end call signaling,
provisioning, quality of service (QoS), security, billing, and network management.
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)BC1 and later releases in the Cisco IOS 12.3 release train support the
PacketCable 1.0 specifications and the CALEA intercept capabilities of the PacketCable 1.1
For additional information about configuring PacketCable on the Cisco CMTS, refer to the following
document on Cisco.com:
Configuring PacketCable on the Cisco CMTS
PacketCable Emergency 911 Cable Interface Line Card Prioritization
Cisco IOS Release 12.3(13a)BC introduces PacketCable Emergency 911 cable interface line cad
prioritization on the Cisco CMTS. This feature enables cable interface line cards that are supporting an
Emergency 911 call to be given automatic priority over cable interface line cards supporting
non-emergency voice calls, even in the case of HCCP switchover events. In such cases, Protect HCCP
line card interfaces automatically prioritize service to Emergency 911 voice calls, should Working
HCCP cable interface line cards be disrupted. This feature is enabled by default in Cisco IOS release
12.3(13a)BC, and may not be disabled with manual configuration.
Note Emergency 911 cable interface line card prioritization applies only to PacketCable voice calls.
During HCCP switchover events, cable modems recover in the following sequence in Cisco IOS release
1. Cable modems supporting Emergency 911 voice traffic
2. Cable modems supporting non-emergency voice traffic
3. Cable modems that are nearing a T4 timeout event, in which service would be disrupted
4. Remaining cable modems
To view information about Emergency 911 voice events and cable interface line card prioritization on
the Cisco CMTS, use the show hccp <int x> <int y> modem and show hccp event-history commands
in privileged EXEC mode.