
Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Assigning the Downstream Channel ID 3-6
Setting the Downstream Helper Address 3-6
Setting the Downstream Interleave Depth 3-7
Setting the Downstream Modulation 3-8
Setting the Downstream MPEG Framing Format 3-9
Setting Downstream Rate Limiting and Traffic Shaping 3-9
Configuring the Upstream Cable Interface 3-11
Activating Upstream Admission Control 3-12
Activating Upstream Differential Encoding 3-13
Activating Upstream Forward Error Correction 3-14
Activating the Upstream Ports 3-14
Activating Upstream Power Adjustment 3-15
Activating the Upstream Scrambler 3-16
Activating Upstream Timing Adjustment 3-16
Setting Upstream Backoff Values 3-17
Setting the Upstream Channel Width 3-19
Setting the Upstream Frequency 3-20
Setting the Upstream Input Power Level 3-22
Specifying Upstream Minislot Size 3-23
Setting Upstream Rate Limiting and Traffic Shaping 3-24
Configuring Optional Cable Interface Features 3-26
Activating Host-to-Host Communication (Proxy ARP) 3-26
Activating Packet Intercept Capabilities 3-27
Configuring Payload Header Suppression and Restoration 3-27
Setting Optional Broadcast and Cable IP Multicast Echo 3-28
Cable Interface Configuration Examples 3-30
4 Managing Cable Modems on the Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial Network 4-1
Activating CM Authentication 4-2
Activating CM Insertion Interval 4-3
Activating CM Authentication 4-4
Activating CM Upstream Address Verification 4-5
Clearing CM Counters 4-5
Clearing CM Reset 4-6
Configuring CM Registration Timeout 4-7
Configuring Dynamic Contention Algorithms (Cable Insertion Interval, Range, and Data Backoff) 4-7
cable insertion-interval Command Examples 4-7
Configuring the Dynamic Map Advance Algorithm 4-8