
Cisco uBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Overview of CiscouBR10012 Universal Broadband Router Software
Supported Software Features for the CiscouBR10012 Router
Syntax Description
To display ERBA settings as applied to DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems and QoS profiles on the Cisco
CMTS, use the show cable qos profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
The following example of the cable qos profile command in global configuration mode illustrates
changes to the cable qos profile command. Fields relating to the ERBA feature are shown in bold for
Router(config)# cable qos pro 10 ?
grant-interval Grant interval
grant-size Grant size
guaranteed-upstream Guaranteed Upstream
max-burst Max Upstream Tx Burst
max-ds-burst Max Downstream Tx burst (cisco specific)
max-downstream Max Downstream
max-upstream Max Upstream
name QoS Profile name string (cisco specific)
priority Priority
privacy Cable Baseline Privacy Enable
tos-overwrite Overwrite TOS byte by setting mask bits to value
The following example of the show cable qos profile command illustrates that the maximum
downstream burst has been defined, and is a management-created QoS profile:
Router# show cable qos pro
ID Prio Max Guarantee Max Max TOS TOS Create B IP prec.
upstream upstream downstream tx mask value by priv rate
bandwidth bandwidth bandwidth burst enab enab
1 0 0 0 0 0 0xFF 0x0 cmts(r) no no
2 0 64000 0 1000000 0 0xFF 0x0 cmts(r) no no
3 7 31200 31200 0 0 0xFF 0x0 cmts yes no
4 7 87200 87200 0 0 0xFF 0x0 cmts yes no
6 1 90000 0 90000 1522 0xFF 0x0 mgmt yes no
10 1 90000 0 90000 1522 0x1 0xA0 mgmt no no
50 0 0 0 96000 0 0xFF 0x0 mgmt no no
51 0 0 0 97000 0 0xFF 0x0 mgmt no no
The following example illustrates the maximum downstream burst size in sample QoS profile 10 with
the showcableqos prof verbose command in privileged EXEC mode:
Router# show cable qos pro 10 ver
Profile Index 10
Upstream Traffic Priority 1
Upstream Maximum Rate (bps) 90000
Upstream Guaranteed Rate (bps) 0
Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes) 0
Unsolicited Grant Interval (usecs) 0
Upstream Maximum Transmit Burst (bytes) 1522
Downstreamam Maximum Transmit Burst (bytes) 100000
IP Type of Service Overwrite Mask 0x1
IP Type of Service Overwrite Value 0xA0
Downstream Maximum Rate (bps) 90000
Created By mgmt
Baseline Privacy Enabled no
Usage Guidelines If a cable modem registers with a QoS profile that matches one of the existing QoS profiles on the Cisco
CMTS, then the maximum downstream burst size, as defined for that profile, is used instead of the
default DOCSIS QoS profile of 1522.
burst-size The QoS profiles downstream burst size in bytes.