Chapter 3 Configuring Devices
Using the Templates
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Step 5 Select one of the following in the left pane:
• Preview to see your changes before you apply them. (See Previewing the
Template, page 3-89.)
• Finish to save the template. (See Finishing the Template, page 3-89.)
• Another template category to configure more options. (See Template
Categories, page 3-2.)
Configuring CDP Settings
Use this option to enable, disable, or adjust the access point's CDP settings.
Step 1 Select Services > CDP. The Services: CDP dialog box appears.
Step 2 Complete the following:
Note Clicking Clear removes all the current entries in the window and any
entries you have made in other Template windows up until that point.
Field Description
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) From the list, select one of the following:
• Enable—Use this setting to enable CDP.
• Disable—Use this setting to disable
Packet Hold Time Enter the number of seconds other
CDP-enabled devices should consider the
access point’s CDP information valid.
Packet Sent Every Enter the number of seconds between each
CDP packet the access point sends.
This value should always be less than the
packet hold time.