Appendix B Command Reference
Privilege Level 15 Commands
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
seconds amount of time, in seconds, that the system takes to either
transmit the cdp packet information or to hold another
system’s cdp packet information.
Usage Guidelines
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a protocol by which one Cisco device can
recognize, and be recognized by, another Cisco device. The run command starts
the system sending out signals to the other systems. The timer command sets the
amount of time, in seconds, that these signals are sent. The holdtime sets the
amount of time a system will recognize another system without receiving a signal.
For example, if your system’s holdtime is set to 30 seconds, and another system
that has already been recognized by yours does not send a signal within that
30 seconds, your system will cease to recognize it. If you are using the no cdp
command, the timer and holdtime commands set their respective values to the
default value.
This command sets the cdp packet’s retransmission time at 10 seconds.
cdp timer 10
This command sets the cdp packet’s retransmission to its default time.
no cdp timer
To set the system date and time, use the clock command. See the Usage
Guidelines before using this command.
clock {set hh:mm:ss month day year}
Syntax Description
set Sets the system clock.
hh:mm:ss Current time (for example, 13:32:00).