Appendix B Command Reference
Privilege Level 15 Commands
User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Syntax Description
eth<0-5> Name of the interface port to be configured. Acceptable
values are eth0-5.
up Enables the interface (the default).
If you include the ipaddress parameter and want to enable
the interface in the same command, either enter the up
parameter after ipaddress and its required parameters, or do
not specify the up or down parameters (up is the default).
down Disables the interface.
If you include the ipaddress parameter and want to disable
the interface in the same command, enter the down
parameter after ipaddress and its required parameters.
ipaddress The IP address of the interface.
netmask The netmask of the interface IP address.
default-gateway Changes the IP address of the default gateway that connects
the WLSE to the network.
address The gateway IP address.
When you enter the interface command, the interface that you specify is enabled
by default. If you want to disable an enabled interface or leave a disabled interface
disabled, you must specify the down option.
Usage Guidelines
Use the interface command to configure an Ethernet interface.
If you change the IP address or hostname, follow these steps to ensure that
applications using the system can connect to it correctly:
Step 1 Stop and restart management services by entering:
# services stop
# services start