User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Appendix B Command Reference
Privilege Level 15 Commands
ntp server
To configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and allow the system clock to be
synchronized by a time server, use the ntp server command. To disable this
function, use the no form of this command.
ntp server ip-address
no ntp server ip-address
Syntax Description
ip-address IP address of the NTP time server providing clock
Usage Guidelines
Use the ntp server command to synchronize the system clock with the specified
NTP server. If you configure multiple NTP servers, the system will synchronize
with the first working NTP server it finds. There is no limit to the number of NTP
servers that you can configure.
The ntp server command validates the NTP server that you specify. The possible
results are:
• If the server is a valid NTP server, a message similar to the following appears:
# 19 Jan 00:43:48 ntpdate[1437]: step time server
offset 999.257304
• If no NTP server with the name or IP address you specified exists, a message
similar to the following appears:
# 19 Jan 00:43:40 ntpdate[1431]: no server suitable for
synchronization found
In this case, remove the NTP server by using the no form of the command,
then configure a valid NTP server.
• If the system time is set to a time later than the time on the NTP server, a
message similar to the following appears:
# 19 Jan 00:43:58 ntpdate[1265]: Can’t adjust the time of day:
Invalid argument.